What is smile design?

     Smile design is one of the most modern dental treatment methods. Here we tell you what types you can find, so you can choose the one that best suits your needs.

What are veneers?

     Veneers are one of the most common aesthetic treatments. At Smart and Beauty we have the ideal staff for this job. Veneers are translucent sheets in the shape of a tooth (or part of a tooth), which have been made with high quality and durable materials, and which offer the appearance of a natural tooth. They are placed on top of the visible part of the front teeth, covering the enamel, thus achieving a totally transformative aesthetic effect.

     It is a very non-invasive procedure, the patient gets teeth with the natural white they want; And not only that, but at the same time it can correct other aesthetic problems, such as poorly aligned teeth, separation between teeth (diastema) or chipped teeth.

     The use of anesthesia will depend on each patient and their sensitivity when performing the treatment, likewise the time for placing the veneers is completely individual; That is, each patient has different work times. At  Smart and Beauty we work with different types of materials when making veneers such as: porcelain (ceramic), resin and zirconia.

Resin veneers

      A composite resin veneer is made of a tooth-colored filling material bonded to the tooth. Benefits of composite resin veneers:

     *  Less tooth enamel generally needs to be removed than for porcelain crowns or veneers

     *  May mean fewer visits to the dentist, sometimes these veneers only require one visit.

    *   They cost less than porcelain veneers.

    *   They are easy to fix if damaged; Although composite veneers are generally not as strong or wear-resistant as porcelain veneers, composite veneers can be repaired easily and quickly.

    How to place composite resin veneers:

    After preparing or reshaping your teeth, your dentist carefully bonds and sculpts the composite material using the color that is best for you.

     A special light is used to harden the compound and adhere it to the teeth.

     Veneers are smoothed and polished to look like natural teeth.

     Remember that teeth are our business card to society. That’s why we want you to have radiant teeth with the best appearance possible, but with a simple procedure. Smile design is a dental treatment that is currently in high demand due to its speed and effectiveness. It is the procedure that includes different types of dental veneers.

Types of Veneers?

Porcelain veneers

     A porcelain veneer is a thin shell that is custom made to fit the tooth. Benefits of porcelain veneers:

 * They are strong and durable

 * They have a natural looking surface

 * Less tooth enamel needs to be removed than with a crown or cap

 * They do not stain easily.

     Steps to place porcelain veneers: To prepare the teeth, the dentist usually removes a small amount of enamel from the front and sides of the teeth. This leaves room for the veneers to make your teeth look natural.

      The dentist makes an impression, or mold, of the prepared teeth. The dentist also recommends the shade of color that will be best for your smile.

     The impression is sent to our laboratory (or an external one), which custom-makes the porcelain veneers to fit your teeth. This could last several days. In the meantime, your dentist can give you temporary veneers to wear. (these are resin)

     At the next visit, the dentist places the veneers on the teeth to check the fit and shape. After any adjustment, the teeth are cleaned and the veneers are bonded to the tooth. Further changes can be made at a later appointment.

Zirconia veneers

are sheets that are placed on the outer front part of the teeth quickly and painlessly.

Benefits of zirconia dental veneers:

 hey are customizable, that is, once the study of the situation of the patient’s teeth has been carried out, they are made individually according to their needs.

 * they are a durable and resistant dental coating.

 * The implant process is painless.

 * It is a non-aggressive treatment.

 * They are translucent and give a more natural appearance.

 * They come in the form of corrective sheets.

Steps to place zirconia veneers:

     The first step to achieving the smile you dream of using dental aesthetic treatment with zirconia veneers is to take a record of your teeth. In this way, a smile design can be made and planned according to the patient’s expectations.

     Once the dental record is obtained, the measurements recorded in the first phase are sent to the laboratory and the teeth are made with the shape desired by the patient, in order to perform an aesthetic test.

     If the patient agrees with the result of the test, minimal preparation of the teeth is carried out. In short, it is the dentist who places the zirconia veneers manufactured in the laboratory and the dentist places them directly on the tooth, applying the material and shaping it until the desired appearance is achieved.