What is blepharoplasty?

     At Smart and Beauty we explain it to you, it is an outpatient surgery, which uses local anesthesia, involves suturing and application of laser to cauterize, which is performed to rejuvenate or improve the appearance of the upper and lower eyelids. It is also known as eyelid surgery. This procedure is performed to treat problems such as removing excess skin, fat, and muscle around the eyes, which can cause wrinkles, bags, or puffiness in that area.

     Blepharoplasty can be performed for cosmetic reasons to give the eyes a younger, fresher appearance, or for medical reasons if excess skin on the upper eyelids affects vision. The procedure may involve removing excess skin and fat, as well as relocating the muscles around the eyes to achieve a more rejuvenated look.

     The blepharoplasty treatment lasts less than an hour and the patient can return home that same day. It is performed by a health professional.

     The First Days After Surgery You may experience normal swelling and bruising around your eyes. Likewise, during the consultation, the doctor will explain the entire procedure in detail.

     During the period after a blepharoplasty, the patient can lead a normal, peaceful life. Even so, during the first week it is recommended not to do any type of sports activity. The patient should wear glasses on those days to protect themselves from the sun and heat, and should not wear makeup.


     Blepharoplasty offers several benefits, both aesthetic and functional, depending on the patient’s needs. Here are some of the common benefits of undergoing blepharoplasty:

 * Younger appearance: Blepharoplasty can help reduce signs of aging around the eyes, such as wrinkles, bags, and sagging skin on the eyelids. This can give the person a younger and fresher appearance.

 * Bag Removal: If you have prominent bags in your lower eyelids due to fat accumulation, blepharoplasty can eliminate or significantly reduce these bags, improving the appearance of your eyes.

 * Improved appearance: Eyelid surgery can help improve overall facial appearance, as the eyes are a prominent feature and often influence the perception of youth and vitality.

 * Vision Improvement: In cases where excess skin on the upper eyelids affects peripheral vision or causes visual obstructions, blepharoplasty can help restore clearer, more complete vision.

 * Increased self-esteem: For many people, improving the appearance of their eyes and eliminating signs of aging can have a positive impact on self-esteem and self-confidence.

 * Long-lasting results: The results of a blepharoplasty are usually long-lasting, and the signs of aging around the eyes do not usually return significantly.

What is blepharoplasty used for today?

     Blepharoplasty is generally performed for two main goals: aesthetic reasons and medical reasons. Here are more details about why blepharoplasty is performed in each case:

     Aesthetic reasons:

 * Facial rejuvenation: Blepharoplasty is commonly used to treat signs of aging around the eyes, such as wrinkles, bags on the lower eyelids, and sagging skin on the upper eyelids. This procedure can give the eyes a younger, more alert appearance, often contributing to a fresher, more revitalized facial appearance.

     medical reasons:

 * Improved vision: In some cases, excess skin on the upper eyelids may be so pronounced that it interferes with peripheral vision or causes a heavy feeling on the eyelids. Blepharoplasty can be performed to remove this excess skin and improve vision.

 *Ptosis Correction: Ptosis is a condition in which the muscles that control the lifting of the upper eyelids weaken or separate, resulting in a drooping of the upper eyelid. This can not only affect appearance but also vision. Blepharoplasty can correct ptosis in some cases.

 * Repair of traumatic damage: After eye trauma or injury to the eyelid area, blepharoplasty may be necessary to repair the damage and restore normal function and appearance.